Astrophotography by Rick

The photo albums below group the photos by the type of object it is.  Click a thumbnail image below to bring up a larger version of the picture.  Then click the forward or backward buttons to cycle through the photos in that album.  Click the up arrow to return to this page to select a different album.

Nebula, Galaxies, Star Clusters, Planets, Comets
Take a look below!

False Comet

Horsehead and Flame Nebulas

Flaming Star Nebula

M8 - Lagoon Nebula

M16 - Eagle Nebula

M17 - Omega Nebula

M16 and M17

M20 - Trifid Nebula

M27 - Dumbbell Nebula

California Nebula

NGC 2264

NGC 6781

Buble Nebula

Orion's Sword

Rosette Nebula



M81 and M82

Centaurus A

NGC 6946

M31 - Andromeda Galaxy

Star Clusters

M11 - Wild Duck Cluster

M13 - Hercules Cluster

M22 Globular Cluster

M45 - Pleiades Cluster

Omega Centauri

Other Astronomy Objects and Events

Space Shuttle Discovery

Lunar Elipse 2014

Summer Milky Way

Panstarrs 2013

Sagittarius Star Cloud


Venus Mars Saturn 2010

Partial Solar Eclipse 2014

Zodical Light

Annular Eclipse 2012

Lovejoy 2015